Chi Siamo - STORIA

  From 1893 – History

The Zimotechnic Laboratory originated in 1893 as a group of eminent Scholars and University Lecturers working in the Enology Sector at the Agricultural Institute of Prof. Napoleon Passerini in Scandicci (Florence) under the name of Institute for the Production of Selected Zimotechnic Ferments. This structure was promoted in collaboration with the Royal School of Enology and Viticulture of Conegliano and the Laboratory of Vegetable Pathology of Florence directed by Professor. Arrived and then over the years with the active collaboration of the greatest luminaries in wine history Prof. P. Pichi, Prof. G. Garoglio, Prof. G. Bianchi and Prof. T. Castelli, of which we maintain its valuable collection of vinari yeasts. The Institute aimed itself as the sole purpose of the research and production of pure ferments of wine, made freely available to all winemakers and wine producers both in Italy and from abroad, who did both experiment and use it in their fermentations.

In May 1898, at the Italian General Exhibition, the Zimotechnic Institute was awarded the highest Honor of Scientific Merit by S.M. Umberto I King of Italy, followed by other honors and gold medals, among which we like to remember the First Prize and Gold Medal at the International Exhibition of Padua by S.M. Vittorio Emanuele III King of Italy.    

In the year 1862, under law 680, the State Bodies, the Chambers of Commerce and The Arts were established, no longer Sector Associations with functions of Tribunals in commercial and economic matters. And it was at this time of the end of the century that the Zimotechnic Institute gained international recognition.  

We have to get to 1910 where the new "Chambers of Commerce and Industry" expanded their functions with the sealing of the Registry of Companies, Books and Roles and the collection of USI. It was in this year that, having achieved high international honors in scientific progress, it was decided to update the Social Reason, leaving the name Zimotechnic and adding the name "Italian" thus calling itself

""Italian Zimotechnic Laboratory S.A."        

In 1924 the state wanted the Chambers to represent the economic interests of the province with the Provincial Councils of the Corporate Economy chaired by perfect; and on May 1, 1933 the "Italian Zimotechnic Laboratory S.A." acquired the "world first" patent for the production of dried yeasts, registered at No. 820998 as Industrial Privativa by Member Prof. Pier Giovanni Garoglio on 17.09.1932, at the Ministry of Corporations, Office of Intellectual Property of the Kingdom of Italy. In 1944, the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agr. the Italian Zimotechnic Laboratory thus became a Company of Capitals with 100 million C.S.with an act of 10.04.1943 reported in the Register Of Companies at No. 93308 11.08.1943. The C.C.I.A.A. finally had its final settlement in 1993 with Law 580. In 1999 changing the corporate structure, lacking research funding and having to give greater impetus to the company's expansion in both scientific research and its production, with new modern plants, the now obsolete structure was closed and the Company was renewed on 22.09.2000 with REA 515640 with new life term in the year 2050. At the same time as the renewal, in order to bear the ever-increasing costs that research in the microcellular field needs, a Production Unit was opened aimed at the needs of the world of Enology with the collaboration of Professor. Emeritus Mario Polsinelli, former Director of the Laboratory of Genetics of Microorganisms, Department of Biology and Genetics of the University of Florence.   

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